Archiv: 4. Filmkunstmesse 2004

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Vorstellung eines von der CICAE prämierten Filmes:Okhotnik - The Hunter

In an isolated village in the Kazakhstan mountains, Erken, a boy of twelve, lives with his mother, a beautiful and alluring single mother. Taciturn and sullen, the child is considered ÇcoldÈ, unfeeling, like a Çwolf-childÈ. One night, when the mother is visited by a hunter, Erken steals the latter’s horse and his gun to hold up a shop. Sought by the police, he is found by the hunter who gives him a choice: to go to prison or to go and live with him in the mountains. Thus begins a voyage of initiation, in the course of which the hunter tries to pass on his taste for and understanding of lifeÉ

Moving between contemplation, action and comic interludes, Serik Aprymov strikes just the right balance between the legendary, the epic, and a form of social realism particularly concerned with those on the fringes: Çchild-wolfÈ, hunter, shaman, easy woman. The director’s sympathies are with these individuals who know how to listen to their bodies, the Earth and its mysteries; through wide angle shots he brilliantly expresses the harmony, hostility or simply the indifference of nature.

Angaben: Kasachstan, 2004, 90 min, Farbe, OmeU

Regie: Serik Aprymov

CICAE Preis auf dem Festival von Locarno 2004

.9., 22.30, Schaubühne Lindenfels, Grüner Salon (Brancheninterne Präsentation)